Newsletter terms of use


By subscribing to As Company Technologie newsletter , you agree to receive regular e-mail informing of various services and solutions from As Company Technologie  and its partners in the Electronics Campaign  .


1. Procedure for subscription


This newsletter is Free subscription .

The registration procedure involves merely the registration of a name and a reference e -mail in order to validate the record. The validation of the subscription form as a whole leads to the full acceptance by the user of the terms of use.


To subscribe to the newsletter,

- Enter your fist name and last name

- Enter your email address

- Check the case " terms and conditions"

- Then click "Subscribe"


2. Offered Service


 Newsletters are automatically sent to subscribers .

 The shipment is periodic and is carried through the reference e -mail address provided by the subscriber . The content of the newsletters is provided by As Company Technologie .

As Company Technologie shall not be held responsible for the direct or indirect consequences related to the use of newsletters by subscribers . Newsletters are indeed disseminated information purposes only and should not be used for consulting purposes. 




3. Procedure for unsubscribe and modification


 Each subscriber to As Company Technologie newsletter has an unsubscribe option and the right to access and modify personal information regarding him.